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The 5 Worst Ergonomic CREEPS!


At it’s best, your body is a wonderland. At it’s worst, your body is a sneaky, deceptive little thing that will prioritize comfort over your health and wellbeing. During a long day at the office, your bod will try to creep into positions that are in your best interest to avoid.

Below is a list of the most notorious ergonomic creeps that lurk in your office, waiting for a chance to ca-reep!

Slouched body position at desk.

1. The butt creep

Oh I know you know the butt creep. It’s the tendency to want to scootch your tush forward. This creep is often seen hanging out with forward shoulder creep (also pictured). Both should be avoided.

Desk worker with elevated shoulders.

2. The upward shoulder creep

The younger brother of the forward shoulder creep is the upward shoulder creep. Their parents were creeps too, so, I mean, it’s not necessarily their fault. But I mean, they had ample opportunity to make lifestyle changes, so they’re absolutely not free of blame. Anyway, the upward shoulder creep occurs when your shoulders silently move toward your ears. This creep can cause plenty of stiffness, pain and headaches. Avoid.

3. The wrist creep When the wrist creep shows up, people start to get really uncomfortable. I don't need to tell you that resting your wrist on any sort of corner is a recipe for disaster. Do not let your wrists sneak onto the edge of your desk or keyboard. Bad wrists!

3. The wrist creep

When the wrist creep shows up, people start to get really uncomfortable. I don’t need to tell you that resting your wrist on any sort of corner is a recipe for disaster. Do not let your wrists sneak onto the edge of your desk or keyboard. Bad wrists!

Screen too close.

4. The dreaded screen creep

This is one of the sneakier creeps on the block. Your screen can creep either closer to you, or away from you, but both can lead to problems. This creep is often around when you need to move your screen to fit papers, books or other paraphernalia on your desk. This creep can lead to vision difficulties, headaches and he often rolls with the last creep on the list. A…void.

Forward neck posture

5. The Neck Creep

The final and most common of the creeps is the neck creep. This occurs when your neck lurks forward towards your screen. It’s often seen around laptops, people with problems seeing their screen or people who recline their chair too much. The french have a word for this creep, and it’s not very nice.

Take a brief walk, then come back and read another gem:

Make Your Own Standing Desk!

What Rafael Nadal’s big nasty can teach you about ergonomics.

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