The most challenging part of ergonomics is remembering to do all of the “little” things that will help you in the long run. For example, on any given day you’re taking a walk every 30 minutes, doing eye-ball exercises every 10 minutes, drinking lots of water, taking the stairs, stretching your neck periodically, remembering not to slouch, and, thinking about what parts of your task you can do standing. It can be an overwhelming task, to say the least. I mean, when are you going to find time to go on instagram? This may be why many people give up on their goals of ergonomic mastery.
Luckily, Are You Ergo? has a resource designed specifically for those who might be overwhelmed by the suggested daily office health routine. Truth be told, it was inspired by that lululemon shopping bag with all of the life-loving advice on it. Print this baby out and hang it beside the last ergonomics graphic and you are set, girl.
The printable pdf version is in the link just below the graphic. Take a picture of it at your desk and send it in via Email or Twitter or Facebook
Are You Ergo – Ergonomics Reminder Graphic